Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Carpe Diem crew seizes AT&T Park {GO GIANGANTES!}

Nothing like a Giants game to facilitate some team building! 

Missing a few key people (Mama Mia, our new fav gal Kayla, fabulous bartender Nick) but here they are!  A few mimosas with fresh oj and Cava start off the day!

Napa's charisma exposed!!!

"Extra!  Extra!  Read all about it!"

This is like, BIG time press for us!  Wine Spectator is basically the God of all press publications for food and wine, and we made our first debut in the June 2011 issue!

Spectator writers and photags go ALL OVER THE WORLD to snap pics and write snipits on the hottest places for culinary adventurists, and they FINALLY put together a masterpiece that captures the essence of Napa perfectly.  Friends, I think change is in the air for our little town of
'Nap-kins'; and that change smells like a lot of delicious food and wine on every block!

Along with our friends and  neighbors in the steppin-up-to-the-plate downtown Napa grid, we received a sweet and short flattering review, and front-and-center photo of Steve behind his beloved wine bar.

Cheers to EVERYONE that was featured in this article, whose time had finally come to get the applause they so-long have deserved.